Easter Weekend

Easter weekend was a crazy-busy couple of days, but good.

Mostly good, anyway.
(Camden's getting a bad edit these days, right? He spends about 90% of his time as a happy go lucky kid; it's only when I bring out the camera that he shows his age.)

Our church had a community cook-out and egg hunt Saturday. The weather was incredible and I loved looking around at the women chatting and passing babies around, the younger kiddos at the playground while the older kids played Wiffle ball, football and kickball.

We celebrated Easter Sunday with our largest crowd yet at 180 Church then spent the afternoon with Michael, Liz, and Addison. It's strange that we have kids this big, but there were no egg hunts, egg-dyeing or even cute photos of Easter outfits. I managed to do a bare minimum of photo taking over the weekend.








Brian is on spring break this week so he took the kids fishing this morning. Unfortunately, I still had to work, but they probably have more fun without me when it comes to the great outdoors.




Vicky said…
I love dropping in on your life and after seeing your pictures and reading your words, I feel like I just "visited" you for real. What? my teenage boys didn't surprise me with the no dyeing eggs and no egg hunt- but yours feel too young! However, Camden, truly looks more like a young man these days... how'd that happen?
You got some GREAT pics over the weekend! We didn't do a ton of photos Easter weekend either. Neither boy was feeling it and I wasn't in for a fight. :) It sounds like a lovely weekend. And look at those fish they caught!

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