Bonus Hours

January and February eased along full of quiet, dark evenings that included soup and early bedtimes . . . both things I love. March, on the other, has accelerated forward with the velocity of a freight train.

I read recently that it is a good and God-honoring thing to fall into bed at night weary from serving your family and others. We are created to serve and love and do good. Obviously, a little down time is a welcome bonus, but it's a bonus not our right. Let's be honest, we all function at a higher level when we feel rested and personally fulfilled. The challenge arises (for me anyway) when I begin to feel as if I deserve those bonus hours; it is so easy to settle into discontentment.

This first week of DST is making us all feel extra weary. I am, however, enjoying the sunshine at 5:30 p.m. Not enjoying leaving for work/school in the dark, but it's a decent trade-off.

We spent a bonus hour last week at the park. Yes, the same park and same activity as the week prior (Rory is even wearing the same shirt), but it's the only spot close enough to home to grab a little activity on a week night.









Bonus Hours... I like that! I need to be better about embracing the extra light at the end of the day. Especially when it's so pretty!

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