1/52: Fresh

I completed a Project 365 (one photo a day) for several years, but haven't even attempted that for a couple of years now. I'm going to give Project 52 a shot - just one photo per week. You can find more the information and weekly themes here.

This week's assignment is fresh, and these clean counters and tabletop are my version of fresh. I really wanted to start off the back to school/work week with a clean house and meals prepped/cooked. By some miracle, it actually happened. I haven't been on top of my domestic game since I started work back in August, but these counters are clear at least for today.

And nothing makes me feel like I can take a nice deep breath than clean counters!



Gorgeous!! (You are making me rethink my stance on this! Ha!) I feel the same way as you do… I love clean counters!

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