Remember when I lived and breathed by my CA125 number? I barely think about it these days, but yesterday it was 25.8 which is normal.
We hit the road about 6:45 yesterday morning for a very full day at Vanderbilt. We walked in the door at 6:50 p.m. but with lighter hearts because my scan showed yet another decrease. I'm at 34% which is officially official in terms of a response. Until you reach 30% decrease, it doesn't really register for a clinical trial. A decrease of this size is remarkable considering I've had nearly 7 years of cancer with no measurable progress in all of that time. I wish chemo were easier on my body and on my schedule; 15 months of this is no joke but progress sure makes it more palatable.
Brian and I spent an hour at White Bison coffee shop (our first time and I recommend) then ate tacos at Taqueria del Sol (which I also recommend).

Hello, sun, which was bright already but especially so with my dilated eyes.
