
Remember when I lived and breathed by my CA125 number? I barely think about it these days, but yesterday it was 25.8 which is normal.

We hit the road about 6:45 yesterday morning for a very full day at Vanderbilt. We walked in the door at 6:50 p.m. but with lighter hearts because my scan showed yet another decrease. I'm at 34% which is officially official in terms of a response. Until you reach 30% decrease, it doesn't really register for a clinical trial. A decrease of this size is remarkable considering I've had nearly 7 years of cancer with no measurable progress in all of that time. I wish chemo were easier on my body and on my schedule; 15 months of this is no joke but progress sure makes it more palatable.

Brian and I spent an hour at White Bison coffee shop (our first time and I recommend) then ate tacos at Taqueria del Sol (which I also recommend).





Hello, sun, which was bright already but especially so with my dilated eyes.



Ramsh said…
Wonderful news! And you look great too!
Becky said…
One day, I will make it to taqueria del sol. And I haven’t even heard of White Bison Coffee!!love you!
Vicky said…
Yay! That is worth celebrating for sure. I love that the celebration centers around food- like really good food, Its truly a miracle I think that as heavily treated as our bodies are through all of these years, they still respond to new treatments at times. Heres to many more normal tumor markers!
Monica said…
Hooray for the good news! Still praying the side effects will subside!
WOOOOOOOOOOTTTT!!! I’m sorry I missed the celebration!!! Here’s hoping the side effects are abating by now. (Fingers crossed.)

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