Five on Friday (Feb 3, 2017)
1. Camden's team won the JV championship last weekend, and he left this morning for an overnight tournament in Memphis. He was very excited, but I sensed a bit of anxiety at staying overnight in a hotel without us. I think there are 4 boys to a room, and I feel very sorry for whoever sleeps with him because the boy does literal flips in his sleep as well as requires multiple pillows and blankets piled "just so" around him.
I told him earlier this week how happy I was for him to have these opportunities to participate in school sports but that I miss him being around! Basketball is over in 2 weeks and I expect life to slow down a bit (I think I just jinxed myself with that thought). When he is home, he is outside playing basketball (even after dark with a light rigged up) on our jacked up basketball goal. Is it helpful to shoot 100's of shots when your backboard is crazy?
2. Chemo this week was uneventful other than Dr. C was in emergency surgery so I saw a nurse practitioner and a new oncologist who both looked all of 20 (I realize that is a statistical impossibility, but they looked so young!). Because of the pre-meds I receive each week, the hospital recommends that I have someone available to drive me home. I am not sensitive to medicine in the slightest, however, and went by myself and drove myself home with no trouble this week. Brian (and my mom) are very against me doing these appointments on my own so I am trying to honor their wishes by allowing others to drive me when possible, but since this is an every week thing, the compromise is that they will let me do it alone when necessary.
I have good reason to believe this chemo is effective, but will reserve getting my hopes up too much until my scan next Wednesday (results on Feb. 15).
3. Rory had the flu this week. Yikes! Brian took off 2 days to take care of her and while I managed to avoid the flu, I have strep throat. Ugh. I sent Rory back to school today after 3 days off and am spending the day in bed myself. I think antibiotics and a restful day will get me back on track.
My mom returned home this week and, unfortunately, had to travel with the flu (she and Rory got sick on the same day). Her flight was canceled in Chicago and she had to wait for my dad to drive the 3 hours to pick her up. I feel so bad that her trip ended on such a bad note. She returns in March for another long visit, and the house feels a little empty without her.
4. One of my sweet chemo partners from back in the days of 8-hr chemo days in Dr. W's office died this week, and I feel such a sadness in my heart. Barbara was a kind woman who was forever sending me encouraging emails, texts, and forwarding me notices of community cancer events. Connecting with Barbara (and Emily and Glenda) and having women in my life walking through those hard days together were part of what made those months bearable. I will never forget meeting Barbara for the first time and then realizing as we left that Barbara's sister and Becky had been connecting in the waiting room while they each waited for their sister to finish treatment.
5. A few TV/music/reading suggestions:
I told him earlier this week how happy I was for him to have these opportunities to participate in school sports but that I miss him being around! Basketball is over in 2 weeks and I expect life to slow down a bit (I think I just jinxed myself with that thought). When he is home, he is outside playing basketball (even after dark with a light rigged up) on our jacked up basketball goal. Is it helpful to shoot 100's of shots when your backboard is crazy?
2. Chemo this week was uneventful other than Dr. C was in emergency surgery so I saw a nurse practitioner and a new oncologist who both looked all of 20 (I realize that is a statistical impossibility, but they looked so young!). Because of the pre-meds I receive each week, the hospital recommends that I have someone available to drive me home. I am not sensitive to medicine in the slightest, however, and went by myself and drove myself home with no trouble this week. Brian (and my mom) are very against me doing these appointments on my own so I am trying to honor their wishes by allowing others to drive me when possible, but since this is an every week thing, the compromise is that they will let me do it alone when necessary.
I have good reason to believe this chemo is effective, but will reserve getting my hopes up too much until my scan next Wednesday (results on Feb. 15).
3. Rory had the flu this week. Yikes! Brian took off 2 days to take care of her and while I managed to avoid the flu, I have strep throat. Ugh. I sent Rory back to school today after 3 days off and am spending the day in bed myself. I think antibiotics and a restful day will get me back on track.
My mom returned home this week and, unfortunately, had to travel with the flu (she and Rory got sick on the same day). Her flight was canceled in Chicago and she had to wait for my dad to drive the 3 hours to pick her up. I feel so bad that her trip ended on such a bad note. She returns in March for another long visit, and the house feels a little empty without her.
This girl was so miserable, and she doesn't handle sickness well. Doctors orders were to quarantine her in the bedroom. Every time I visited her (with masks on - also doctors orders), she cried.
4. One of my sweet chemo partners from back in the days of 8-hr chemo days in Dr. W's office died this week, and I feel such a sadness in my heart. Barbara was a kind woman who was forever sending me encouraging emails, texts, and forwarding me notices of community cancer events. Connecting with Barbara (and Emily and Glenda) and having women in my life walking through those hard days together were part of what made those months bearable. I will never forget meeting Barbara for the first time and then realizing as we left that Barbara's sister and Becky had been connecting in the waiting room while they each waited for their sister to finish treatment.
5. A few TV/music/reading suggestions:
- La La Land was delightful, and I'm still thinking about the characters and music.
- Mom and I binge-watched Poldark last week, and I definitely recommend it. It's a little grittier than Downton Abbey, but in a tasteful way.
- I've been listening to Deep Work playlist (very soothing and mellow) on Spotify, the La La Land sound track (joyful), and Peter Bence (gorgeous piano music).
- Audiobooks aren't generally my thing for some reason, but Be Frank With Me by Julia Claiborne Johnson was excellent.
- Dismantling White Supremacy Begins With Me by Shannan Martin (whose beautiful words always challenge me) and 10 Ways to Help Refugees by Melanie Dale. Both articles are worth your time.
Picture of all the girls from last weekend
Because of God's tender mercy,
the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us,
to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death
and to guide us to the path of peace.
Luke 1:78-79