Snapshot #26: January 2016

Developing . . . 
Every day this month I have made my bed (sorry, mom - this is not a reflection on your parenting) and cleaned the kitchen before going to bed. I've never been one to leave lots of dirty dishes around, but this month I've put everything away - both dirty and clean dishes. It's so much nicer to wake up to a clean kitchen. Why did I wait until 40 to realize this?

Listening . . . 
Hipster Hymns Spotify playlist
What Should I Read Next podcast - the host is also the author of Modern Mrs. Darcy blog, and I have absolutely loved every episode. My to-read list is a mile long.

Reading . . . 
Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass #2)
Pretty Girls (incredibly dark and gory)
The Nightingale (to date, I've started but not finished two Kristin Hannah novels, but this one comes highly recommended so we'll see how far I get)
The Rumor by Elin Hilderbrand
After You by Jojo Moyes

Starting . . . 
My book choices have been fiction-only for 2016 so I'm resolving to start and finish two parenting books in February: Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World: How One Family Learned that Saying No Can Lead to Life's Biggest Yes by Kristen Welch and Raising Body-Confident Daughters: 8 Conversations to Have With Your Tween by Dannah Gresh

Watching . . . 
After burning right through Making a Murderer, we quickly made our way through The Staircase (another true crime documentary). I have also watched the first half of Season 1 of The Killing. I have never once been interested in crime dramas (fiction or non-fiction) so it's kind of a strange genre to be suddenly engrossed with. Side note: I fully recognize this is a lot of TV viewing. My only explanation is I've been staying up a little later at night, plus those snow days were an excellent opportunity for TV binging. On the lighter side: American Idol and Korean dramas.

Overheard . . . 
"Wearing color is what I live for" said by a certain 9-year old in our house.

Anticipating . . .
my parent's arrival this afternoon.

Striving . . . 
to focus on the "nurture" aspect of parenting instead of always being the organizer, motivator, disciplinarian, etc.

Caught her mid-question


I live Kristin Hannah Jodi Picoults too
Oh my gosh... "What Should I Read Next" is my new favorite podcast!! It's seriously impacting my reading list as well too. I'm going to wait to see what you think of the Kristin Hannah book though before I hit buy. Because, like you, I've been unsuccessful with her books in the past...

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