Who's Driving Again?

Growing up too fast, time passing too quickly . . . both common themes around here.

I was not prepared, however, for this.




Unbeknownst to me, Brian has been letting Camden move the vehicles back and forth in the driveway. They let me in on the secret over the weekend.


I love the middle photograph because he was having trouble straightening up the van, and we watched him struggle from inside for quite a while. And the last photo feels like a glimpse into the future.

Way too soon.


I know I've been missing in action here... but now I feel like I've been gone for YEARS! Whoa. Definitely too soon for him to look this grown up!
Monica said…
But you gotta admit...that's an incredible smile on his face.
Vicky said…
I think it is so smart! To start understanding the physicality of the car, and how movement feels and how to operate it- solid idea. Nolan has his permit, and I am surprised each day that we face a new to him, challenge, I would never think to warn him about. I love that we've taken the time to talk him through it and his confidence has grown, as well as respect for how much he has to stay focused and be responsible. He truly does look more grown!!

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