Five on Friday (September 4, 2020)

The most important thing to note on this fourth day of September is the weather is supposed to cool off to 57 tonight. Our highs go back up to upper 80's tomorrow, but 57 is going to feel awesome, and fall is coming. Maybe not soon enough but it's coming. 

1. Rory was exposed to COVID almost 2 weeks ago so she's been home with me. She is able to do remote learning so she hasn't missed a beat regarding school. Speaking of school, Brian is also back to his bonus career as bus driver after a 5-month break. Approximately 40% of our county school population chose remote learning so his bus has 25ish students instead of 65ish students, which makes for a much easier day.



 2. I have been doing a ton of reading recently and the two books I read this week were both 5 stars, and a 5 star book is a rarity for me. The first is Code Name Helene by Ariel Longhorn. It is historical fiction from WW2 and is based on the true story of a woman who helped lead the Resistance in German-occupied France. The characters are likable, the villains are extreme, and I cried near the end. I loved it so much. The second book is The Boy in the Woods by Harlan Coben. I read all of Coben's books and they're all page-turners, but not all worth 5 stars. While this one isn't quite the same quality of literature as Code Name Helene, the story was intense and I could not stop reading.

3. Rory got new glasses a couple of weeks ago, and they're cute! She was pretty set on black and big.

5. My mom introduced us to a new game, and we've had a lot of fun playing it during these last couple of weeks (she let us borrow). We like it enough, we might need to purchase our own copy. It's Splendor, by the way.


I promised him I wouldn't post this on Instagram, but I didn't say anything about the blog. Untitled


Ramsh said…
I am not a big game person, but the rest of my family LOVES Splendor!

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