Slowing Down

It has become increasingly clear over the past 6-8 weeks that I needed to slow down a bit. Between working 4 days a week, the commute, the doctor's appointments, church commitments, kids, husband, etc. things felt out of balance. Work was getting all the best parts of me and Brian and the kids were getting the leftovers at night. Tamoxifen is causing headaches, which hit big time at 6ish every night. My mood at the end of the day has not been pretty! 

So starting this week through the summer, I'm only going to work Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Fridays will continue to be reserved for our women's Bible study group, extra doctor's appointments, grocery shopping, etc. etc. But Wednesdays are going to be my day to take a deep breath, clean the house in peace and quiet, declutter, maybe do a bit of scrapping, focus on photography, catch up from the rest of the week.

Of course, there's only one Wednesday left before school is out for the summer so that whole peace and quiet thing will be short-lived, but the point is that I really needed to take a breath and re-evaluate our schedule. So on today's agenda is switching out kid closets from winter to spring/summer (which I'm guessing is an ALL DAY event) while watching D6 Days online. Oh, and working a bit because my boss forgot I was off. :)



Vicky said…
I'm glad to hear you are doing what is best for you. Sorry to hear about the headache- no fun at all. B vitamins have helped me- if your onc allows vitamins- I just do one a day.

Here's to breathing a little freer :)
Put the kids in charge of their laundry! Seriously they can do it.....then you only have to do yours and brians!
Put the kids in charge of their laundry! Seriously they can do it.....then you only have to do yours and brians!
I’m so sorry that you are suffering AT ALL! But I’m so, so happy that you made this decision! You need to take care of yourself these days. :)

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