Weekend in Pics

We have had absolutely fabulous (fall-like) weather this past several days. Our highs have been in the 70's with sunshine, and we've spent lots of time outside. Here are some pictures from Friday and Saturday.

Not happy about something

You can always count on Camden to be silly

Yes, that is a silo you see on his head

Somehow I think Rory's getting the hard job

When they start to get bored, I'll yell out "On your mark, get set, go"
and they race around the house. Brings a smile to their face almost every time.

Getting ready for a water balloon fight with Camden, Brady, and Ashton

Pretty sure he was running away from the water

She took a little tumble

Waiting for the balloons

I think she got wet!

A little front yard soccer game
We decided to take a trip to the zoo Saturday (along with the rest of Nashville) and see the parts we missed several weeks ago. The zoo was so crowded and I'm glad we had warned the kids ahead of time that we wouldn't be staying too long. After the zoo, we ate at McDougals for lunch (if you're in Nashville, you've got to give them a try!) and took advantage of the outdoor seating.

At the historic site at the zoo

This was the best I could get - Rory was not in the mood.

This one turned out a little better

Back home and outside again. Camden has temporarily forgotten about baseball.

Their game faces

Brian is painting his dad's barn today so the kids and I are headed to the grocery store (something I haven't had to do alone with the kids since summer began!). Why is it that the house gets destroyed over the weekend? I should probably do something about that today too.


Rory looks like such a big girl in that first photo!

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