Home Again

We're home! After 10 hours in the car yesterday, the kids were ecstatic to get home! Rory immediately ran to her room, put on her "pip pops" (a.k.a. flip flops) and loaded up her stroller and started playing. They're clearly worn out because they're both still in bed at 8:10 and I have a feeling they'll like having a slow day at home. Brian has in-service today, while I'll spend the day unpacking and getting the house in order again. Tonight we're hitting Opry Mills mall for the last of our back to school clothes shopping. (by the way, if you want a Gap/Old Navy/PiperLime 30% coupon, just shoot me an email at camdensmommy @ gmail dot com - it's good until August 2)

I was a bad parent/scrapper/photographer and took very few pics this past week. In fact, this is pretty much all of them!

We celebrated Camden's birthday a 2nd time with Grandma and Grandpa.

This expression pretty much describes his mood the whole time we were in IL.

Rory's favorite accessory: sunglasses.

Grandma and Rory (this is my mom for those of you who don't know)

Grandpa (a.k.a. my dad) and the kids on the tractor

Wearing her barn boots and very messy pigtails

I just snapped this one quickly without much thought, but I kinda like how it turned out:
Uncle Matt is holding Rory (with boots on) then Camden and my dad are sitting next to each other.


joelsgirl said…
I LOVE the photo of Rory all dirty and in her boots and dress! So glad you were too busy having fun to take pictures but kinda sad for the missed scrapbooking opportunities. ;)

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