Happy Birthday, Camden!

How could he possibly be 6? Time flies by so quickly. Seems like just yesterday that we celebrated his first birthday, and now he's 6. This year, especially, I've been thinking about his birth parents. I know they are on the other side of the world remembering their time with him. I am more grateful than they'll ever realize for the gift of Camden.

July 15, 2004

A few things about Camden at 6:
  • He has had a fabulous time with Brian on their father/son camping trip. Every time I've talked to him he's been brimming with stories and in such a good mood. Brian says he asks over and over to go on an adventure. He's one of those kids that is so easy to please. Every meal is his favorite; every little treat or special activity is the best thing he's ever done. I love that about him and hope he keeps up that attitude about life.
  • He recently informed us that he hates the number 4. According to him, it's so boring. It's always 1, 2, 3, then 4.
  • He loves to be read to. Doesn't matter if it's a baby book, a girly book, etc. He just likes books. His favorites are the Magic Treehouse chapter books and the Froggy books. And if I'm tired of reading out loud, he'll sit with the book and try to figure out the words on his own.
  • He takes forever to fall asleep; he flips, he flops, and is in constant movement. He also grinds his teeth.
  • His favorite toy is a mini set of Magnetix that he received as a gift several years ago. It's missing most of the pieces by now, but he still pulls it out every single day. (we're replacing it with a bit set for his birthday)
  • Favorite dessert: ice cream with a cherry and chocolate on top; favorite food: McDonald's Happy Meal; favorite cereal: Lucky Charms; favorite color: white, gold and silver (yes, really)
  • He loves baseball. He's sad that baseball isn't a year-round sport.
  • He still loves to cuddle on your lap even though he no longer fits on my lap! Brian still lets him sit on his lap even though he's big enough that it kinda hurts!
  • He's very much a touchy/feely kind of boy. He loves hugs and kisses and when he sits next to you, he gets as close as possible.
  • The first words out of his mouth every morning are "what's for breakfast" quickly followed by "what time did I get up?" (he's obssessed with knowing what time it is).
  • His favorite people in the world are his daddy, his grandpa, and his Uncle Michael. This hasn't changed from the time he was very young!
  • While he may not always get along with Rory (that's putting it mildly), he is very protective of her when we're out and about.
  • He definitely has a temper and his self-control is not very good, but he is still the best 6 year old I know.
Happy Birthday, Camden!


Joy said…
Happy Birthday, Camden!!! Hope you have a wonderful day and get to eat LOTS of cake and ice cream! :)
Mayme said…
It's hard to believe he's six! Happy Birthday Camden!
Happy Birthday Camden!!

I hope it's the best one yet! :-)

(Melissa - I don't think I realized our boys birthdates were so close together... our guy turns one on Friday.)
Maria said…
Happy Birthday, Camden!!
Becky said…
Happy Birthday, Camden!!! I can't believe that he is 6 already--I am so glad that he is part of our family!
Amanda said…
Happy Birthday Camden!!! Hope ya'll have a wonderful day!!!
KrisJ said…
Happy Birthday to Camden!!! I didnt realize how close in age him and my Maddie are! Hope you have the best day!
Linda said…
Happy number 6 Camden.
Krista said…
I hope you have a wonderful day Camden! And I agree - eat lots of cake!
M :-) said…
Happy 6th Birthday, Camden!!!
Elizabeth said…
Umm...you weren't supposed to let it out so Michael knows that he is one of Camden's favorite people...I still try to hold on that he likes me more! :)
Anonymous said…
aww I hope he has a wonderful day! He was such a cute lil baby...now he's all grown up it goes so quickly!
You are truly blessed...he's a keeper for sure!

Lisa Sailors
Anonymous said…
you've got a beautiful boy! :D
Happy birthday Camden, you've got beautiful parents too.

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