Friday's Random List

Just a few things about the kids this week.
  • Rory's been saying in a pitiful voice, "I don't feel berry good, mama." After I make the appropriate sympathetic comments, she moves on with her day full force with whatever she was doing.
  • I must hear "You be the baby; I be the mama" 100 times a day. This week, though, there was a twist. Rory said, "I be Dora; you be Boots." We've also added, "I be the doctah; you be Rory." this week.
  • The house is officially no longer big enough to contain Camden's energy. He runs, he jumps, he ninja fights, he plays Stars Wars. He throws balls and when he gets in trouble for throwing balls and playing dodge ball in the house, he moves on to throwing stuffed monkeys and blankets and other toys. He walks around with a belt on, his play gun and holster hooked on the belt, a brown stick thing he's had since he was 2 in his hand and a patch over his eye (because pirates are now cool in our house). The new thing this week is piling up every pillow/blanket/stuffed animal in the house and jumping off the couch over the pile. Only problem is we don't let them jump on the furniture and they've been in trouble MANY times this week about this! After Camden got in trouble for it, he moved on to just facilitating Rory jumping. I have definitely found myself trying to balance letting him have a good time and be a kid with salvaging my furniture and other breakables in the house! Kindergarten cannot come soon enough.
  • Rory has started calling things "nummy" instead of "yummy." We don't do baby talk so I think she's mispronouncing it. I have no plans to correct her because it's too cute, and she's already losing some of the baby talk. This week I noticed that instead of saying "I wub you," she's moved on to "love."
  • Rory is finally starting to catch on to the whole color thing. I've seriously thought she was color blind because of the amount of time we've spent on colors and how clueless she's been, but she is starting to get it. She can identify green and orange part of the time, and she is SOOOOO proud of herself when she gets it right.
  • When I told Rory that Grandma was going to be making a birthday cake for Camden, she immediately said, "well what is Grandpa making me?" (and I've now heard this question about 100 times in the last 2 days)
  • At the movie last night, when the screen "tells" you Thank you for silencing your cell phones, Rory said "You're welcome!"
  • Camden was a pretty big fan of the Ice Age movie last night. He loved the first two as well. Of course, the thing he picked up on and repeated over and over was the line, "I thought you were a female" - probably not the most appropriate moment.
We're headed out of town for a quick trip to Illinois so I don't know how much time I'll spend on the computer in the next few days. I'll admit to not being thrilled about getting back in the car for a 9 hour drive with the 2 kids after doing it 2 months ago, but I'm very happy to spend a couple of days with my parents, and the kids could not be more thrilled. I rented some Dora DVD's from the library in the hopes that Rory will actually use the DVD player we bought for her. She is still not a TV fan, unless it's Dora and Boots. Camden, of course, will be glued to whatever DVD we play.

She thinks "smile" means squeeze your eyes closed.

She LOVES these sunglasses.
Her ensemble yesterday: "pip pops" that are too big that she just scoots around in them; the ever-present towel; the stick/sword thing she stole from Camden; the beaded necklace that is her everyday jewelry; and the gun (just what every 2 year old needs).


Heather (mom2jma) said…
That last picture made me laugh! My 2 yr old always comes down with some hodge-podge mixture of stuff, that she's either wearing on her body or stuffed in her Dora backpack or some other type of toy that's turned into a container. And, she also seems to sneak off with her older brothers' things! They're so funny, aren't they?!

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