
I am happy to report that Rory's eye is much better! I took her back to the doctor yesterday, and he said that it was improving and should be okay. By last night, it was only swollen halfway closed. While we were there, we also asked about her crazy mosquito bites, and the doctor prescribed a strong steroid cream to use when she gets bit that should help with the blistering. I left the house with her at 8:00 yesterday morning, and we didn't get home until 12:30 so it was kind of a long morning. I had a doctor's appointment, and then we had time to kill before her appointment.

Considering that I have done very little housework this week (hence, all the scrapbook pages), I need to spend several hours working on the house. We're also planning to take advantage of my friend Shelly's pool this afternoon. Tomorrow we're making a quick trip to Clarksville so I can (finally) get my new glasses and to do a little bit of shopping for Brian and Camden's upcoming camping trip.

My random Friday list:
  • Rory is quickly becoming a huge fan of anything Dora. It's the only TV show that keeps her attention for any amount of time. We went to Toys R Us yesterday to shop for Camden's birthday, and she thought she was in Dora heaven. I think I see a Dora-themed birthday party heading her way in September.
  • Despite the fact that Camden seems to have turned into the mean big brother almost overnight, he was still very sweet and protective of her yesterday. The fact that this happened as he tackled her in the pool is beside the point.
  • Three things I saw while people watching Thursday: (1) A woman in her late 40's (this is just a guess of course) wearing a pair of hot pants. You know, the ones that leave your hind end falling out. It was like a train wreck - you couldn't look away. (2) a mother clearly still in her pajamas at the free children's movie. And, no, not the cute lounge wear kind of pajamas that you might be able to get away with. (3) A mother in the same theater who was there alone with her infant. Something tells me the movie wasn't for the baby.
  • Can I just say that entertaining a 2 year old while wearing a paper gown in a closet-sized room is not the easiest thing to do. Hearing "good job, mommy; I so proud of you" while peeing in a cup was fun though. :)
  • Rory no longer wants me to carry her everywhere; sit on my lap while watching cartoons, etc. "My wants to do it myselssss" is what we hear over and over. Why did I ever complain that me was all she wanted. I miss it.
  • Thanks to the non-stop coverage, Camden now knows who Michael Jackson is. He said, "Is that a boy? A girl? What is WRONG with that man?" after seeing him for the first time.
  • Despite the fact that I used a waterproof sunscreen with 55 spf yesterday, Rory still came out of the pool with new tan lines. How is that possible?
  • Camden has rediscovered a sheriff's gunbelt, toy gun, and badge that he got several years ago. You can just imagine the fights that have gone on in our house this week. Rory holds her own with an orange water gun, and she's pretty much got the Charlie's Angel pose down.
Credits here


While all of these crack me up... the best is the Michael Jackson comments... too much!

And how do these kids get tans so easily?! We have the same thing over here.
so happy to hear that Rory is doing better! I love all the tid-bits you give us... keep them coming!

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