A Better Day

I cannot even tell you how much better our day was yesterday. Camden and Rory played so well together. I'm not sure we had any big arguments or tantrums all day long. And it was so good to see Camden make good choices. At one point, I told him I was really proud of him, and he said, "Well, of course. I prayed all about it in my room last night. But I didn't pray for Rory; just me." Because they played so well, I was able to get 5 loads of laundry washed, dried, folded, and put away (including putting the clothes line outside to use), used the treadmill, fixed supper and even baked a blackberry crumble using fresh blackberries.

On the agenda today is making a meal for a funeral (I'm doubling the recipe so we'll have dinner ready as well); packing up the kid's clothes for a weekend trip; and general house work. Tonight after church I'm going out with some friends for cheesecake so I guess that means I should get on the treadmill at some point today.

Rachel Young/Traci Murphy: Love in the Rain

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