Another Friday

Brian got to play Mr. Mom yesterday while I went to Nashville for a much-needed haircut and ran lots of errands. It was nice to be out and not worry about strollers, car seats, (whiny kids), etc. He and the kids cleaned out the basement while I was gone. Well, he cleaned; they pulled things out as fast as he could get them put away. We then spent the afternoon/evening playing some of Camden's new games he received for his birthday. This one from Aunt Becky is our favorite so far.

On today's agenda: a youth group activity for Brian, a going-away party tonight, and possibly a zoo trip tomorrow. We've been gone every day this week so I'd like to just stay at home today (a.k.a. stay in p.j.'s and scrap), but we'll see.

Traci Reed: Scrumptious

Traci Reed: Belly Flop


That second kit is perfect for scrapping Spencer's first sprinkler experience! And the layout is fabulous as well!
Krista said…
Have a fun day at the zoo! I can't remember the last time I scrapped - I still have to finish my NYC trip from last March... gesh. Are you going to post a new hair photo?

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