What a night!

We had crazy thunder storms and tornadoes until about 2:00 a.m. so I am feeling a tad foggy this morning (yes, I actually stayed up to watch the coverage). We only went to the basement once, and by the time we actually got down there, it was okay to come back up. Camden never even woke up. Brian barely did!

No real news on our paperwork today, but I did speak with a very nice supervisor at the NVC yesterday, and because our paperwork was held up in Memphis, they are going to expedite it there. We're really hoping and praying (and think that it's possible) that Rory will come home in February.

Camden came home from school last night with a piece of paper that had been folded several different ways. He was so excited about it and wanted to tell me a story. I thought that he must have colored a picture or maybe it was a worksheet. Nope, just a blank piece of paper. But he told a very imaginative story about soldiers and the Israelites, etc. Funny stuff!

I went through Rory's closet last night and pulled out most of the 6-12 month clothing that we had bought several months ago and am planning to return it today. I just don't think there's any way she'll wear it so it will be better to get it out of the closet and taken care of before she arrives. I kept a couple of smaller outfits just in case. It was kind of sad because most of them were outfits we bought when we first saw her picture, and I felt pretty sentimental about them.

I've discovered hot tea and honey are my friends. My cold/incessant coughing/black plague/flu is still hanging on, and having a cup of hot tea really seems to help my throat and the coughing. I keep hoping I'm going to be better, but it's been a week now!

If we get any news today, I'll post an update.


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