Happy Valentine's Day

Having the day off school and work yesterday was wonderful! We all enjoyed a quiet day. Brian spent some time working on his school and church work, which was very helpful. We also spent about two hours packing Rory's suitcase and making packing lists and "to do" lists of things we need to purchase and take care of before we leave for Korea. I'm feeling much more prepared after the time we spent planning yesterday. Yesterday was also the first day I was feeling better physically (my cold finally seems to be on its way out), and I also just felt better emotionally. I allowed myself to feel excited rather than worried about Rory. The apprehension is creeping back in this morning, however, since I know that she has had her medical tests and we now begin the wait to hear something from Korea about when she might be ready to travel.

Our Valentine's Day is pretty unromantic and boring! For the first time, I didn't even get Brian a card of try to do something nice. All of our energy is just focused elsewhere this year. We are going to try to go out either this weekend or next, but we're having trouble finding a time that works for us as well as with our babysitters (Gram and Gramps). Hopefully we'll get it worked out.

At supper last night we asked Camden if there was something he wanted us to bring him from Korea. He responded immediately, "yes, my baby toys." I'm not sure what we thought he would say, but I would never have guessed his baby toys. He's referring to the toys he had at his foster family. And, of course, he's only seen them in pictures.


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