We are logged in at the NVC as of yesterday afternoon. This means that if everything continues to go smoothly, I feel like our travel call should come in about 2 weeks. I'm trying to breathe a sigh of relief, but am not quite feeling it yet.

My plans for today are pretty normal, although I am going to try to take a little while and just relax. I am so stressed out because of the last week, and I'm hoping maybe a bit of quiet time might help. Camden filled up an entire sheet of stickers (he's hasn't woken us up at night in almost a month) so we're taking him to Chucky Cheese tonight. He is so excited. I'm sure it will be an experience. I have visions of 100's of screaming kids running around like mad.

Tomorrow I'm meeting two friends from work for lunch and a movie. I'm so excited to have a "girl's day out." Brian is pretty excited for this weekend to begin as well. He is off work Monday because of President's Day and Tuesday is a teacher workday so he really he only has a 3-day week next week.

I have not felt like scrapping at all this week. In fact, this page has been open on my computer and I've played with it all week, but finally made myself finish it up this morning. It's basically a list of things that Camden likes and is doing at 4 and a half.


M :-) said…
Hang in there! The end is in sight. :) :) :)

Enjoy your weekend!

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