No news yet

Well, we frantically did laundry, made list after list, etc. last night hoping that we're going to get final approval to travel this morning. I expect that we will hear something pretty early this morning. They called yesterday at 8:15 so I'm hoping to know something soon. Of course, at this point, we are going to be so disappointed if they tell us we still have to wait, but at least we'll know that we're very close. Brian is very busy trying to get lessons plans and instructions for a substitute teacher for 2 weeks. He won't actually be out of the classroom for a full two weeks, but he is planning to be gone for about 8 days.

I finished this page up earlier this week. It is a picture of Camden and his Valentine's Day box. I bought Valentine bug stickers (it was the most boyish thing I could find), and he decorated it before his school party last week.


Unknown said…
oh how exciting! good luck!

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