If I'd only known!

We implemented a new system with Camden yesterday. Instead of punishing him for his bad behavior, we're rewarding him for good behavior. I put up a behavior chart and every time he is helpful or sweet or doesn't complain when we ask him to do something, he gets a sticker. His reward yesterday was chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Now, it was only the first day so I'm not completely sold, but he was like a different child! It was the best day by far that we've had in probably months. Even grocery shopping for 2 hours in 2 different stores wasn't bad. I am so hoping this will continue to work!

We pulled out the little pool yesterday and the kiddos had fun splashing around. In fact, Camden stayed outside with Brian after Rory and I came in for another hour just playing by himself. Rory likes to pour water on her head, and it's so funny. She scrunches her eyes and mouth closed and then pours the water. Most of the time it never reaches her face, and then she wipes her face off on the pool. I think Brian has a video coming shortly with all the pool fun.

This afternoon we're taking Rory to Vanderbilt for the biopsy on her leg. It's called a punch biopsy and should be over in 3-4 minutes so I'm not too worried, but I certainly don't look forward to her screams of pain during those 3-4 minutes. I hate it even when she (or Camden) has to get shots! Camden is going to Mayme's while we're at the hospital, so I know he's going to have a blast with Ashton and Brady. We'll probably have to tear him away when we get home!

I did have time to scrap yesterday and managed to finish up two pages.


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