
During dinner Friday night I started to feel sick, and by the time we got home, I felt awful! I have the worst sore throat - have barely spoken in two days cause it hurts too much! I've spent the last two days in bed so hopefully I'll be better soon.

We were still able to enjoy Friday evening. The Olive Garden was good, and we saw The Pursuit of Happyness, which was amazing! When we got home, there was a message on our phone from our caseworker telling us that we can proceed with the adoption and submit our homestudy even though our house situation is still up in the air. I am so excited! They're telling us there is about a 6 month wait right now so I can't wait to get everything finished and officially start waiting.

We had people look at the house Friday and Saturday. We left the house Friday evening and thought we were safe, but got a phone call while we were still in the neighborhood so we ran back to the house to make sure it was super clean. Then on Saturday, Brian (saint that he is) cleaned the bathrooms and then we headed to the grocery store while the realtor showed the house. I was so sick that I actually just sat out in the car while Brian did the grocery shopping.

Camden came home from Gram and Gramp's house yesterday all hyped up! He has been so happy this weekend! Wish I could enjoy it, but I've been tucked back in the bedroom trying not to make anyone else sick. Brian does a great job of taking care of me, bringing me anything I want. I think he has an ulterior motive, though. He's convinced if I touch anything in the kitchen, they'll all be infected!

By the way, special thanks to Dani Mogstad for the blog header. Isn't it cute!

I haven't spent much time on the computer this weekend because I've been sick, but here are 3 layouts that I just hadn't posted yet.


Chris said…
hope you are feeling better Melissa- or at least well enough to scrap! :D
Wendy said…
Great news on the adoption! YAY!! :) So sorry you are sick. Hope you are feeling much better lickety split! Tom and I saw that movie too and LOVED it!

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