
Brian checked the blog this morning and called me a slacker! I guess it has been a few days, but they've been slow days, and I didn't have anything to say. Still don't!

I met up with Kellie on Friday for a playdate with Camden and Mason. There were sooooo many kids at the mall playground, though, that it was maybe a bit overwhelming. It was fun to chat, though! Kellie took pictures so I'll have to snag them from her. Camden and I met one of my friends from work for lunch. It's been a while since I've been out with him by myself. I forgot how many times he needs to go the bathroom in one outing! I actually let him eat LOTS of candy at the restaurant to keep him happy for a while before our food arrived.

I have spent all day today in my sweats doing pretty much nothing! I did manage to scrap a little bit, cook supper for tonight, and get tomorrow's lunch started. Brian took Camden to get his hair cut today - first time in a salon, and he was so good! Of course, they all said he was the cutest thing to ever step foot in their shop. I believe them. :)

Enjoy a few new pages - all recent pictures of Camden.


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