Random kisses

. . . are the best. You all know Camden's been a bit of a stinker the last several weeks. Doing things like wiping off my kisses, not wanting to sit on my lap, and did I mention all the tantrums? But the last couple of days, he's been so sweet - just hanging out on my lap or bringing MANY toys up on the bed with me when I'm reading, lots of random hugs and kisses. I was so worried that my time with my sweet boy was over and that he was just going to be a big daddy's boy from now on, but maybe not!

I was all geared up for a big snow day today and hoping to stay home, but after all the hype, there's nothing! No snow, no rain, no sleet. In fact, there's a bit of sunshine peeking through my window.

Finished up a layout last night. I spent alot of time on this page trying to make it more complicated, but kept just coming back to this so hope it works!


Elizabeth said…
oh, i am with you about the snow--we had a slight chance of sleet/winter mix, but instead all we got was cold and rain!

and i am so glad to hear your little one is wanting some mommy time again!

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