Happy Valentine's Day

Mine started last night! Brian's Tuesday night class started so he didn't get home until about 11 p.m., but he brought beautiful red tulips home with him and Josh Groban's new CD.

Camden and I made an eventful trip to Wal-mart last night to pick up Valentine's cards and candy and food for his class party today. Apparently, I am not the only bad mother to wait until the last minute because it was an absolute MADHOUSE in the candy/Valentine's aisle. Camden had a blast picking everything out including a cake for his daddy. I was thinking more along the lines of a little heart container of candy, but Camden wanted a cake. I finally managed to talk him down from the big 10 inch round cake, and we just brought home a mini one. Spent quite a bit of time putting the candy bags together. It's kinda time consuming for a 3.5 year old to drop lots of candy one piece at a time into 20 bags. We sent our camera to school with him today so his teacher can take pictures of his party. I really hope she remembers!

We spent last night watching American Idol as is our tradition. This is Camden's third season - no idea why I started this so early other than he has always loved music. It can be quite distracting, however, because he gets a little hung up on lyrics. Here's an example:

Singer: Unbreak my heart . . .
Camden: We don't break things.
Singer: Let me be free. . .
Camden: She's not three, I'm three!

You can see how this would be distracting! It's a bit hard to actually hear how the singer is doing while I'm fielding questions. He also goes with his first impression! As soon as the singer starts, Camden says, "he's good" or "he's bad." No hesitation.

I finished up one layout last night, and just for my mom, I've included the journaling. This is 10 random facts about Camden at 3 (from August 06). "
you still like to be carried; you have a great imagination and use it ALOT as you hunt bears in the living room with daddy; you scream like a girl when your face gets wet; you give great hugs and kisses; you are most definitely daddy’s boy until you’re hurt or scared, then you’re all mine; you’re already a sports star; Cars is your favorite movie; you’re just starting to like bugs; you hate to get dirty; you just learned how to wink"


Anonymous said…
Camden's version of the AI song lyrics made me laugh out loud! Such a fun time you must have with him. Happy Valentine's Day!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the journal entry for me to read. The title brought tears to my eyes,"i will miss you when your grown"...The valentine picture is SO cute. I'm also jealous of the Josh Groban cd--maybe Brian could coach his father in law!
Anonymous said…
Got our Valentine picture today.
He's getting to be SUCH A YOUNG MAN!! Thank you, Camden, mommy and daddy.
Love you 3,
Grandma & Grandpa Elledge

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