Rivers and Spires

Another busy weekend in the books. Camden arrived home from his field trip Friday night . . . only 2 hours late because the bus broke down. He had a fabulous time, but was probably the most tired I have ever seen him. He didn't even want to eat! A funny from the trip - not only did he not take pajamas (which I set out for him), but he did not change his clothes until at the last rest area stop before they arrived at school. Boys.

Rory downed a huge burger while we waited.

One tired boy.

Saturday we spent part of the day at Rivers and Spires, a downtown festival. Our church had a booth so Brian spent approximately 15 hours there Friday/Saturday. The kids and I stayed a few hours until their allergies got the best of them. Pollen is insane this year, and our booth was right underneath a blooming tree. I got roped into doing some face painting, and it was tragic. I have never claimed to be artistic and will avoid face painting at all cost in the future.

Brian, on the other hand, is pretty good at balloon animals. Between the Eggstravaganza event last weekend and Rivers and Spires this weekend, he went through over 2,000 balloons. That's crazy.

Camden rode a mechanical bull.

The kids met some fun characters.

After church, we all kind of crashed Sunday afternoon. Brian slept for a couple of hours while the rest of us retreated to our bedrooms. It was blissfully quiet.

Then we took a walk, made popcorn, and watched The Amazing Race.

Today everyone is back in school while I do domestic duties here at home. The weather people are predicting severe weather for the next 48 hours so the news is on perpetual repeat, and I feel as if we're waiting for the world to end.


Beth said…
I laughed out loud thinking of face painting. Only because I was imagining me doing it, and "tragic" would be the only word to use. How do people actually make neat little intricate face paintings?

Vicky said…
At least we only have rain- we're thinking of everyone with the tornadoes and bad weather- so scary. The pictures are great! And you sound just like us- happy for all the things to do and equally happy to come home and spend a little quiet time.
Spencer would lose his mind if he saw the photo of C with Darth Maul!!! Oh Emm Gee....

(And the rest of the post is fabulous too... but I live in a Star Wars world now.)

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