Easter 2014

"Resurrection means the Worst Thing is never the Last Thing" - Beuchner 

It's pretty easy to get caught up in the Easter Bunny and egg hunts and dresses and baskets. If you're on staff at a church, it's even easier to get caught up in all the work surrounding an Easter service. Because I knew the actual day would be so crazy, I tried to really focus earlier in the week on the reason we even celebrate Easter. Loved the quote above.

Not only was it Easter Sunday, but it was the Grand Opening of our new church. We had a great day with nearly 65 first-time guests, 7 baptisms, and a total of 237 people. It was amazing (and exhausting, if I'm honest).

I snapped a few Easter photos, but not many. The pictures I snapped earlier in the day at church were lost when my brand spanking new memory card failed me. No worries - I still have enough to remember Easter weekend.

The kids did not participate in the BIG egg hunt we went to Saturday (our church helped pass out armbands and make balloon animals for some 3,000 people) - their choice - so we surprised them with a little egg hunt at home Easter night (thank you Uncle Michael and Aunt Liz for the eggs!).

I think dandelions have taken over our yard.

Sneaky Uncle Michael hiding them in the gas tank.

Camden was the only one tall enough to pluck them out of the trees.

I did not really think twice about Easter outfits this year; second year in a row with no planning. It's a shock, I know. They ended up matching/coordinating despite my lack of plans.

Addison totally matched as well. This definitely looks planned.

And I couldn't leave out this picture. Addison's face pretty accurately expresses her sheer enjoyment of Cousin Camden.

This pose doesn't look awkward at all. ;)

I never really thought Michael and Addison looked alike, but those eyes and grins are pretty similar.


Grandparent/kid pictures.

This one is my favorite.



Such sweet photos... all of them! And I absolute adore that all the kiddos matched even though there was no plan in place. Meant to be!

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