3 Years
Today marks my 3 year cancerversary - the day I was diagnosed with stage 3c ovarian cancer (update: I just realized - because I clearly still have a bad case of chemo brain - that the actual date was March 30. For Pete's sake!). Blessedly, I do not remember much from this day as I was in surgery for many hours and sedated after that. We celebrated with ice cream for breakfast for the third year in a row. It's a silly little way to celebrate that life is good. That God is good.
It seems as if I would look back on that time surrounding diagnosis and treatment as the worst time of my life. And it probably was.
But mostly I remember being surrounded by friends and family.
Brian holding my hand and praying with me.
Flowers (and the beautiful smell of them) filling my hospital room.
My mom, brother, sister and twin nephews driving throughout the night to make it in time for surgery.
My brother staying home with Camden, Rory, William, and Xavier on surgery day and my mom and sister coming home to all 4 kids in different corner. Uncle Matt had finally had all he could take.
I remember feeling so calm.
I remember feeling so loved.
So many friends (most of them from the beautiful online world) did loving, creative things to make me feel better.
Like this video. (Look how tiny your babies are, friends!)
So today we ate ice cream at 6:30. Rory randomly quoted Romans 15:13, and I thought it couldn't have been more perfect.
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him."
Brian has worn this teal ovarian cancer bracelet for 3 years.
And Camden's prayer this morning?
"Thank you, God, that she's lasted this long." Ha!
(I loved seeing that video! So fun to walk down memory lane with so many familiar faces!)