Monday Musings

Completely random compilation of things today.

Our weekend recap: I was home with Addison Friday and despite really cute morning pictures that said otherwise, she was Miss Cranky Pants all day! Brian and Camden took off to the spend the evening with friends while Rory and I stayed home to take it easy. Despite not feeling well, I absolutely took advantage of my Friday night and stayed up until 1 a.m. scrapping.

Saturday morning was a soccer game (we didn't win); two batches of cupcakes, looked at our first house (it was a total bust) and dinner with our friends, the Kivette's.

Sunday morning was church (Brian preached a sermon full of truth and good reminders for me) and then we spent the afternoon at Gram and Gramps's (Gramps' - I can never remember the apostrophe rule with an s) house celebrating Gramps's birthday.

A few Scriptures I've read recently that really spoke to me:

"In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ." I Peter 1:6-7

"When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who know my way." Psalm 142:3

"For Yahweh is good, and His love is eternal; His faithfulness endures through all generations."  Psalm 100:5

And from a Beth Moore study I'm doing:

1. God is not the author of destruction.
2. God will repay evil.
3. Our hope must be in god.
4. No matter how bad things look, God is good.

Painless or painful, enjoyable or distasteful, God always works to prepare us to serve Him, but He rarely prepares us in the way we expect. Why must we experience such preparation? Because any work we've grown accustomed to is usually a work completed. As soon as we've learned one lesson, He brings another. He will continue to work in us until we see His face, because that, beloved, is the ultimate moment for which we're being prepared. Make no mistake. Jesus will be worth it. Remember, He thought we were worth it too.

And just a few pictures from the weekend.

Addison wore this super cute hat to Rory's game, but she did not like it when her daddy set her down at his feet. Look at that pucker!

Camden, Rory, and the birthday boy. And, yes, it is totally out of focus.

And a phone picture from this morning. The sun was streaming through the trees (this is at the end of our driveway). Isn't it beautiful?

And what I scrapped Friday:

Gina Miller: Pumpkin Frapp

Sahlin Studio: Retro Mod


Vicky said…
Who knew your "musings" would provide me with such a great take away- Why must we experience such preparation? Because any work we've grown accustomed to is usually a work completed. Why I've never thought of it this way I don't know...

I pray you are feeling better quickly...

Renee T. said…
That is a picture from your phone??? That is awesome---I love it!
Unknown said…
ooh, so beautiful your kids =)
Becky said…
I love those verses and thoughts from your Bible study. Wished we lived closer and could do a study together! Love you so much and missing you tonight--working is getting in the way of once daily conversations!
And I love your layouts!
Such great layouts. And photos! And that pucker on Addison is ADORABLE.

The musings part of the post has me thinking...

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