Friday Favorites

I was debating about a Friday photo post, and then I saw Friday Favorites and decided to go with that mostly for 2 reasons. (1) I absolutely do not have the Oklahoma pics uploaded and edited. (2) I have a major new favorite. ;)

Meet my new toy (and my first iphone picture).

Isn't she pretty? I feel like she might need a name. I LOVE the teal cover I chose - the color is just beautiful. It's a color I'm always drawn to (besides black, of course) and I wear it often. Let's be honest: it looks good with my blue eyes and I'm all about that. It was a favorite color long before ovarian cancer entered my life, and it continues to be a favorite just with a new purpose.

I feel as if she (and Instagram) just might complete me. Please get me up to date with all your favorite instagram/photo apps. What do I NEED?

Fresh flowers from Trader Joe's. Sometimes it's just nice to bring home a little something to brighten up the house.

My other Friday Favorite is the new BYOC at The Lilypad. It is so fun (and I'm such a lucky girl) to work for TLP, and their new September BYOC is just one great example of all the fun goodies I get to scrap with. In fact, in my typical steroid high, I stayed up late scrapping last night.



And a couple of random things.

First, my chemo and doctor's appointment yesterday went well for the most part. I felt good, not anxious as they called me back for all the preliminaries. 

But then my blood pressure was super high (it's a side effect of one of my chemo meds despite the fact that I now take blood pressure medicine), and I could feel the anxiety start to set in. On my way to the exam room, I saw a fellow chemo patient in the hallway; she is not doing well at all, and the anxiety went up even further. 

When I talked to Dr. W and he refused a pet scan for me (he says there's no need, and he's probably right), I found myself in tears. My new CA125 level wasn't available so I don't have an update there. When I complained to him about all the weight I'm gaining, he said that it's better than losing weight because as a cancer patient, losing weight means either (1) you're so sick from the chemo you can't eat or (2) the cancer is eating away at you. I guess I'll take weight gain, even though it's driving me insane. 

As I sat alone in the exam room, I couldn't remember Psalms 46 to save my life; the only phrase I could remember was "though the earth give way and mountains fall into the heart of the sea" but it was enough.

Second, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate all of you who have read my posts here and at TLP (there are give-aways for both of them, by the way) regarding testing and ovarian cancer, and those of you who have emailed me letting me know you've scheduled doctor's appointments. I'm glad my learning experience can turn into good prevention/early detection for you.

I had to receive my Neulasta shot this afternoon so I'll probably have a slow, couch potato weekend as I recover. Maybe you could go out and do something fun in my place? Have a lovely weekend!


Joy said…
Don't forget the Snapseed app! I'm still trying to figure it out, but the editing looks awesome! Hope you enjoy your iPhone!

And, you stinker, you have a great way of hiding you are upset. No clue at all at lunch that you had a stressful appt.

Hope you have a calm, relaxing weekend!
Joy said…
Don't forget the Snapseed app too! It's kinda weird to learn, but the editing is awesome! Enjoy your new iPhone!

And, you stinker, you have a great way of hiding that you are upset. No clue at lunch you had a stressful appt.

Hope you have a calm, relaxing weekend!
Krissy said…
Hi, Melissa! My toes are now teal thanks to you :) I have only been following your blog for a few months, but I must tell you that I am hooked! The beautiful pictures of your children have inspired me to take my camera off of its automatic setting and try something "new". It is funny how easy it is to stay in a comfort zone, even one as simple as that of a camera setting. The sharing of your story has also pushed these boundaries for me. I am 42, have 2 children the same age as yours, and have a family history of breast cancer. You have reminded me that it is important to enjoy the day-to-day moments of every day life. Thank you for being such a positive inspiration, both spiritually and "mom-i-ly". May God continue to bless you!

P.S. I love Rory's clothes! You have great taste :)
Monica said…
Thank you so much for linking to Friday Favorites! I so enjoy reading your posts and seeing your beautiful pictures and scrapbook pages. Yay for the iPhone...I still in the dark ages and don't have one yet. I know you're going to have a blast playing with it, though!
YES! Snapseed! It's a must for saving photos/punching them up.

I had a pretty lazy weekend here... all our excitement was Friday night and then my Saturday was consumed by trying to blog about it. ;-)

Anonymous said…
Where did you get your teal Otter box? On the Otter box website they look ugly but yours looks cute :)

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