These Pesky/Wonderful Kids

A couple of weeks ago, I think I had vented here (or maybe on FB) about settling into a new routine with the kids. They're sharing a room, we're all home for the summer in our new space, the recent demise of naptime, the fact that we're all together 24/7, etc. I have to say that things are going fairly well and thought I'd share a few things that we do to keep it all in check.

My kids like a schedule. They're like they're mama! If I find the day stretching out in front of us, I'll jot down a schedule of what needs to be done for the day. There's something about knowing exactly when I expect them to help out, when they'll get to play, have free time, etc. that seems to help. And they adore crossing things off the list.

We're working very hard on being kind to each other so when the kiddos are unkind to each other, I make them say something nice to the other or perform an act of service for the other kid.

Some days I pull out little bowls and fill them with M&M's (okay, "fill" them with chocolate is probably a little generous; it's more like 10-15.). Each time they're disrespectful to me or unkind to each other or when I have to tell them more than once to complete something, they lose an M&M. Before bedtime, they get to eat whatever M&M's are left. This works surprisingly well because they love their chocolate. Just like their mama!

Because we have more limited space, we're also working on keeping things neat and tidy. If the kids leave something out, I confiscate it, and when they realize it's missing, they have to perform a chore to get it back. This is especially helping out with those pesky Wii remotes I find laying around.

We've got a master Summer 2012 list of things to do. Having that list and knowing fun things are coming up (generally 1-2 things a week) gives them something to look forward to. Also included in the summer fun (but not on the list) is VBS and the free summer movie program with Regal Cinemas. I definitely find that not having too many days in a row without a plan is pretty key (for all of us) to not getting bored or on each other's nerves.

They're not allowed to tell me they're bored. If that happens, they know this mama is going to find something for them to do immediately. And it just might not be a ton of fun. It might be something like running laps around the house. It also might be something semi-fun like drawing a picture for someone. Or it could be mopping the kitchen floor. I also have plans to print out some kindergarten and third grade worksheets and to pull them out occasionally.

We've always talked about how our family is a team, that we each have jobs to do. This is a concept that I want them to embrace especially as they get older.  They both help out regularly with folding laundry, putting away laundry, sweeping the kitchen, wiping down the bathrooms (Camden), clearing the table, and emptying the dishwasher. Rory, of course, is still at the age where she thinks helping out is all fun and games. Camden, not so much although, he generally helps out with a good attitude.

I am also working very hard on patience; trying to see them as God must see us. I am trying to remember how many chances God gives us to get things right and to show Camden and Rory the same grace. I'm not going to say I'm always successful, but I'm trying.

And I do think we're settling in to our new schedule. There is less fighting, fewer unkind words. I think I'm probably having to do as much adjusting as the kids. With no naptime, later summer bedtimes, there is very little time to myself. And I happen to be one of those gals who needs some quiet time. I used to think I needed to apologize for that, but not anymore. It's just part of my  make-up.

Last week while we were at the beach, I snapped these pictures of Camden helping a scared Rory into the water. I think it's a pretty good representation of how they're getting along these days.



Is your heart melting yet? Because mine's in big puddle.


Just in case you think we have it all figured out as well as in the interest of full disclosure, I should admit that during the writing of this post I completely lost my temper with the kids. In fact, this whole day I've been pretty darn cranky with them. Tomorrow is a new day, right?


There are lots of really good ideas in here on how to survive the summer break... I plan on borrowing a bunch of these!
Becky said…
LOVE those pictures of them--they are such good kids, Melissa! and it is because you and Brian work very hard at teaching them to be. Love you and love your ideas.
Um, that last picture really got me! What a gentleman!
Monica said…
The "say a kind thing" had me laughing. My parents used to do that to us (I have 2 sisters and a brother). Do you know how HARD it is to come up with something kind or HUG someone when you're mad at them? :) Sounds like you've got some great guidelines in place!
Renee T. said…
Ok - those pics of Camden helping Rory into the water are just so sweet :)

(and, in the interest of full dislcosure- they had me on the verge of tears-- the things you write about Camden remind me so much of my son Pierce...I could definitely picture him helping out his little sister Blake in a similar way)

and- I'm loving the "lose an m&m trick" :)
These are all wonderful ideas. I can remember a summer when I had to cut my work hours because my kids were fighting so much at home. My son had finished 7th grade and, since I worked less than a mile from home, he was in charge of his sister who had just finished 2nd grade. To say it didn't work out is a definite understatement! I wish I had been as creative as you back then.

And, the pictures of Cam helping Rory are absolutely adorable. They could be illustrations for a book on brotherly/sisterly love and kindness.

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