Love. In the form of ice cream.

I am never ceased to be amazed at the way God shows His love for me. Yesterday it came in the form of Jeni's ice cream delivered to my door from the fabulous Renee T. And not just ice cream, but in the favorite flavors I mentioned last summer. I cannot say thank you enough, Renee T.!

I just may have to frame this print to hang in the kitchen. Who wouldn't want to see this cheerful picture every day!

Lemon-Blueberry, Salted Caramel, Chocolate, and Coffee

Camden and his cousin Logan had a sleepover earlier this week. It was the best 24 hours of Camden's summer so far. They stayed up late, slept in late, played the Wii to their heart's content, and explored the outdoors.



This one is my absolute favorite.

We haven't seen these cousins in almost exactly 2 years, and I thought Camden had grown alot until I saw Logan!




More fun cousin times to come. Logan and his sister Ashton are coming over to spend the afternoon with us at our first Cumberland River beach experience, and then I'm making ice cream sundae's and hamburgers for supper. Good summer days.


Renee T. said…
I'm so happy your family liked the ice cream!

You, Brian, Camden, and Rory all deserve to have a delicious summer time treat!

Keeping your family in my thoughts....Enjoy your time at the beach with the cousins!
Great shots of the boys here! And how sweet is Renee?!?! I love the treat she sent you... awesome!
Vicky said…
Oh now, that is a treat!! People really know how to brighten our days- ice cream would do it for me! Love the cousin shots- there is nothing like the cousin friendship that lasts all those years... Hope Camden gets a lot more of those days!

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