Hurtful Words

Two of my favorite humans in all the world. I adore his just-out-of-bed look. This is the first time to hold Addison standing up, and he was so excited when he woke up and saw her at our house yesterday morning.


Last night was Camden's last baseball game, and they played really well. We almost won. A couple of bad calls and one bad inning on our part, and it was all over with. I just may have told Camden I'd pay him $1 for every ball he stopped. ;)

Camden was obviously a little sad about the season ending on the way out of the ball field, and then as we passed one of his friends (who also happens to be a classmate as well) in his vehicle, the friend called out "bye, weirdo Camden." His little shoulders slumped, his face fell. We got in the car, and it was clear that he was upset and I started to hear sniffles coming from the back seat. I am sure that his friend didn't mean anything by it, but Camden was very hurt. I don't think Camden has experienced much teasing in his life; his teachers always say that he's very well-liked at school and the boys (and girls) vie for his attention so I guess it's understandable that he was crushed. I told him that I didn't think he was weird and my opinion was more important than his friends because I was his mama. One final sniff and a pause, then I heard, "You know, you're kinda right about that." And it was done. But it made my heart hurt for him.

Today's agenda includes  a dentist appointment for me, but I don't mind too much because my sister Liz is keeping the kids for us, and Brian and I are going out for lunch after. With later summer bedtimes for the kids, no naptime, and all our family togetherness, I feel as if the adults in the household rarely have time to talk these days so it will be nice to have a little kid-free time.

Happy Wednesday!


Joy said…
Poor Camden. That would hurt my feelings too. Ellis and his buddies make up crazy names for each other (ie, "crazy hair - stinky breath", etc) just for fun, but I've had to remind him that those names - even in play - can hurt. I think it's a boy's way of showing affection sometimes. Strange, though!
This makes my heart hurt... for both of you! Kids can be so mean... I'm really sorry Camden had to go through that.
Tracee said…
Aw...that would be hurtful to anybody! I know that as a parent, I see my girl acting like a goober and I cringe thinking some of her peers might make fun of her. Then I remember that it is part of growing up. A rite of passage.

It hurts. But it's our job to help our kids build self-confidence and self-worth. We can't pave every path for them...but we can certainly be there at the end!!

How you doing??
Renee T. said…
So sorry that he had to hear hurtful words :(
The pictures of him with Addison are great!
That broke my heart for Camden!!! The other day Isaac called Matthew and his cousin "NERDS!!!" which is so unlike him. He read it in a spiderman book where Peter Parker is bullied. I pulled him aside and we talked about how words hurt. I'm glad he cheered up and agreed that your opinion is more important!
Anonymous said…
Tell Camden we think he's super cool! I'm sorry he had a sad moment :(

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