Beautiful Weekend

So yesterday was just beautiful outside: sunny, 80 degrees with a breeze. Now I don't really do summer very well because I'm not a fan of sweat or bugs in general, but 80 degrees and low humidity I can totally do.

Works out great that it was the best weather so far this year since Rory had a soccer tournament and Camden  had a baseball game. We ended up spending 4 hours at the soccer field (1 win, 2 losses) and 2.5 hours at the baseball field. I ended up with a fierce sunburn and the kids are both about 3 shades darker.

There is not enough time in this world to worry with photo editing so you get them in all their naked glory. ;)

Let's get this game started already.

Snacktime in between games.

Her crossed legs cracked me up.

Rory and Violet



After scoring the team's only goal last season and starting off the season with several goals, Rory became the goalie so no more goals for her. She was a darn good goalie, though.

Deflecting a goal.

This is what Camden did the entire time. We picked up some classics like Robinhood, The Three Musketeers and Swiss Family Robinson last week at Goodwill, and he has been captivated.

Deflecting another goal. I told you she knew what she was doing.

After a healthy snack between the first two games, it was time to move on to sugar.

Rory and Kyle

Starting to get tired.

Go, Blue Jays.


Trophy time.

Rory was standing on her tiptoes so she would be as tall as Emma. It completely cracked me up that she noticed Emma was taller.

Next up was Camden's baseball game. His poor team has been a bit of Bad News Bears this year. Not completely sure why because they're capable, but with a few exceptions they've played pretty poorly all year. It's hard to watch your kid self-destruct over and over. Camden has been the first baseman, and for whatever reason just can't quite get it together. He practices at home and does great, but I think he gets nervous. We've had good coaches this year, and I know they're frustrated as well. I'm glad that Camden is still having fun, but I'm much too competitive to be happy with this year.

I wonder if he'll ever outgrow this habit.


See what I mean? Clearly, a problem.

Oops. Again.

He catches this every single time at home.

But this was a triple.



We were supposed to finish up baseball this week, but I think we've got 2 more make-up games this week. I always miss it when it's over, but in the middle of the season, it sure seems long!

And that officially ends the season's sports pictures. Aren't you glad?


Becky said…
I love all the pictures. And I sent you an email with all my comments :)
those aren't edited photos... =( you are putting us all to shame LOL

Great new books to read! Those are on my list to pick up for Ethan! and looks like Ethan too, reading where ever and everywhere!

Now wait for Rory to want to do her own hair LOL Isabella sure has some funky hairdos!
You didn't edit?!?! Oh my... I need to work on my SOOC shots! I do think I will miss the sports photos. :)
Vicky said…
Clearly they picked the most perfect color for Rory's soccer team jerseys- love that blue :) Your photos told the story well and needed no editing! Um no, the "adjusting" the pants in baseball- just continues as an annoying habit even when they are 10 and 12... sorry to tell ya. But how cute is he reading the classics? That was a brilliant idea!
Joan B said…

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