And So It Begins

Rory's never had much of an opinion on her clothes or hair. I mean, she likes to have it done and to dress up, but she's never too adamant about what specifically she puts on or how I fix her hair. I generally give her a choice or two and that's the end of it.

Until Sunday, that is. Sunday, she specifically requested a bow right on top of her head in the middle "so I can look like a cheerleader, mama." And when I didn't get it quite perky enough and quite on top of her hair, she quickly asked me to redo it. And she's pretty much worn her hair this way every day since.

When I asked what she liked best about cheerleaders, she promptly responded, "The hair, mama. It's soooooo cute."


I've always said Camden was going to be the the Rhodes Scholar in the family while Rory would be the perky cheerleader. ;)


Like a cheerleader.!!!!
GAUGH!!!! I love it!!! :-)

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