Snow White

When Rory asks to have her picture taken, you know I'm going to say yes, right? One day last week she dressed herself and her baby up in their matching Snow White costumes and asked if I could take their picture together. Obviously, I was happy to oblige.

And I kinda love them. Yes, I say that alot.





We celebrated her Family Day yesterday by taking a little trip to a local tea shop, and Rory inhaled an entire tea plate on her own. Elizabeth and Addison went with us. We watched all the videos last night and marveled at how little Rory was, how cute Camden's lisp used to be, and how they still have many of the same mannerisms. All the celebrating and watching of videos and reading a certain adoption book has prompted a barrage of questions and tears regarding her birth mother and adoption. It has been HARD, let me tell you. Maybe more on this later.

Our Thursday started off with both kids and their mama in tears. Let's hope the rest of the day is a little less emotional.


Precious pictures! I'm sorry to hear that Rory is really FEELING the enormity of what happened to her, but I know that you are handling it in a healthy way. Matthew still hasn't shown any emotion either way about his birth family. I will be interested to see how his reactions play out as he gets more able to express himself. Hugs to Rory as she processes all of this.
KrisJ said…
Love the pictures. Gotta tell me what the book is... so I dont buy it! Just kidding!
Joy said…
Sweet Rory - those questions have to be tough. Haven't had that happen yet with either of mine, but I'm sure there will be lots of tears and hugs here too. Love your photos!
Renee T. said…
Such sweet pics of Rory and her doll :)
I felt quite a bit anxious while reading about Rory being upset during your adoption conversation because I am dreading that in the future with my son and daughter. I imagine many tears and hard conversations will be happening in our house,too. It will be hard on all of us and I hope I can find a way to comfort my children, while providing all the information I have in an age-appropriate manner. Keeping your family in my thoughts.
:) Renee
Krista said…
It really is a lot for little ones to take in isn't it? So very hard indeed. It is hard enough to even think about at times.
But beautiful photos - such a beautiful girl.
Shelly said…
I'm actually dreading the day that Allyson puts all the pieces together, because I think it will be emotionally very hard on her as well. I've explained things, but she hasn't made the connection yet between foster mother/birth mother. Would love to hear more, if you feel like sharing. I know it's such a personal thing, and hard to share.
These photos are beautiful, just beautiful. (But I bet that doesn't surprise you... right?!) And the conversations family day brought about?! Wow. I fear that... I really do. I know you guys will come out the other side stronger for it though.

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