Tuesday's Tidbits

Everyone's been asking about my bag from here. I actually bought mine from Zuilily and got a great deal, but here is the website. And I'll just warn you, the bags are VERY cute (not to mention expensive).

I've made two fresh fruit smoothies in the last week, and neither kid likes them. What is that? It was all fruit, with a little sugar, milk, and ice. It's not like I tried to sneak in extra veggies or something healthy!

Camden thought that I was literally not going to leave the house until my hair grew back.

I've got a little photography tip post up on The Lily Pad blog if you want to take a look. And, yes, there are new pictures.

Rory just climbed up on my lap and said, "mama, I think my taste buds have changed." And, no, she does not have any idea what that means.

We're starting off our summer with a bang. After staying up late last night and getting up during the night, Rory was up and jumping on her bed at 6:00 a.m. this morning.

Both kids have developed raging colds with sneezes and snot flying everywhere. I am trying to still be a good mama and take care of them while avoiding contact whenever possible. :) Thank goodness Rory is still on Flovent (a preventative steroid) from her last asthmatic cycle. I'm hopeful that will keep this at just a cold. It has not, however, stopped the everflowing tears that happen when she's sick.

I had a hard time choosing between the color and b/w so you get both versions today.


Credits here


We've got the snot flying around here too! I hate summer colds. Hope you all feel better soon!
Elizabeth Frick said…
I am SO glad I'm not the only mom out there who maintains a big distance between myself and the sick child!!!
Ah, Zulily... so, so addictive. Sheesh.
And jeez, Rory and Olive can just hold hands and jump on the bed with each other when we're in Nashville. It's a very popular activity around here... especially during the hours they're SUPPOSED to be sleeping...
Please, please don't get sick!

And man, can Spencer come have all the smoothies?! I can't keep this kid satiated in the smoothie department!
Krista said…
Thanks for the photo tips - will give turning 180 a try!
And no to smoothies? I always enjoy a nice carrot and apple. Yum!
And a visit with E???! Lucky girls!
Grace said…
summer colds are the worst!
but, jeepers, that picture of rory is GORGEOUS!

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