Whine Fest

Can I whine for a second? It's my blog so I guess I can whine if I want to! So you know Rory was sick during fall break. And then took weeks to actually sleep and stop coughing. Then I was sick last week. What I haven't mentioned is that I was diagnosed with a chronic stomach problem a couple of weeks ago. One that is apparently going to keep on coming and make life miserable. So I finally felt better yesterday after nearly a week of a bad cold/cough. However, by the end of yesterday, the stomach problem was back in full force, and today Rory woke up with yet another cough and a fever. Seriously, I just want to get rid of the sickness in this house. It's hard to carry on life as normal when you or your 4-year old don't feel well. And I realize it could be much worse. But it's still not fun.

Okay, done whining for a while.

Two milestones in the last week:

Rory put her hair in a ponytail all by herself. Not that I'm about to let her take over her own hairstyling anytime soon, but she was one seriously proud 4 year old.

Camden got teary-eyed at the ending of a movie. It seems age 7 is bringing about some sensitive moments in our typically not-sensitive child.

And doesn't this face just make you smile?


Elizabeth Frick said…
Be gone, sickness! You guys deserve a break from that!
I'm super impressed that Rory ponytailed herself. I'm a grown woman and still have trouble with it...
Becky said…
oh no, so sorry about the stomach stuff. that is wrong!! and unless you can wail like Xavier has been the last few days, you are doing just fine!

count me impressed with Rory and also beautiful pic!!
Amy said…
I'm so sorry about the stomach issue. I battle a chronic stomach issue also so I have plenty of sympathy for you! That picture is adorable...can she be any cuter? Hope everyone gets to feeling better very soon so you can enjoy this time of the year!
Krista said…
Whine away! So sorry about all the sicknesses. I understand the frustrations of being sick. Not fun at all.
Great milestones though!
Ugh, that is SO frustrating! Sorry you're dealing with recurring illness. BLEGH.

I LOVE that photo. The depth of field and bokeh (?) makes me happy.
KrisJ said…
I love a good whine fest!! And yes LOVE that pic, and Im so sorry to hear about the stomach thing. Man I hate a sick house and coughs always take forever to leave!

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