
Things got quiet yesterday morning so I went searching for Rory and found her in bed "weading." She stayed there for more than half an hour so I joined her and read to her and then left her to "wead" another 30 minutes or so. Reading in bed is one of my favorite things to do (although not something I get to do much of these days). Glad she's taking after her mama!


(50mm 1.4 lens, f2.8, 1/100ss, ISO 640)


Anonymous said…
"Weading" the NT is one of the greatest things Rory can learn to do. And look at those eyelashes!
Gma Elledge
Angie said…
Love the pictures and that she picked the New Testament to read! So sweet!
Brenna said…
Oh, that is precious. So sweet~
So incredibly sweet! I love these!
Elizabeth Frick said…
What a cutie pie. So angelic looking in the photos! :)

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