Tuesday's Tidbits

Rory's told me several times in the past couple of days that she has a baby in her belly who is 2 years old and her name is Emmalyn (hello, Kari!). She pronounces it "Ennamin."

Camden's little buzz cut which debuted yesterday was actually a mistake. We always cut it short, but Brian forgot to put the guard on the clippers so he's a little more bald than usual. It grows fast so I'm not worried. :) We actually thought about letting his hair grow out and see what happens, but I decided to wait until after Christmas so I don't have a shaggy Camden in Christmas pictures.

And a side note to the haircut, Camden told us last time we cut his hair that he hates getting haircuts because everyone rubs his head and talks about it. We've been cutting his hair since he was barely 12 months old and this was news to us. However, since he's mentioned it, I've noticed he's right - there's a whole lot of head rubbing that goes on.

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Angie said…
We cut our boys hair and have since they were little. They say the same thing about people always rubbing their heads after Jeff buzz's it!

Love the scrapbook page!
I'm guilty of that (well not Camdens head) LOL but I love the feel of hair that short. Ethan hates it too when people rub his head....
Elizabeth Frick said…
How could you resist rubbing such a good-looking head?! ;)
Poor guy... I bet he's cold now!
Joy said…
Ellis complains it about it too. : ) There's just something about those boys with a buzz cut.
Isn't it crazy what kids pick up on and notice?!? Crazy! I can't wait to see camden's "longer" locks!

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