
Prepare yourself for a whole lot of randomness.

I made a seriously delicious broccoli cheese soup last night that went really well with my first loaf of whole wheat homemade bread. Okay, actually it's the second attempt (in one day), but I won't count the first one since it never made it to the oven.

Camden is out of school until November 29. Why didn't we have long Thanksgiving breaks when I was in school?

You can go here for a free download of Sara Grove's O Holy Night Christmas CD.

I am dying to go to Harry Potter tonight. It's been kind of a tradition for the last 9 years and I even re-read the 7th book this week in preparation, but a grown woman with 2 kids doesn't always get to see movies opening weekends. :) Still holding out hope for sometime in the next few weeks.

Rory has declared every day this week "mis-match day" and has been wearing two different shoes. I don't even know how she learned about mis-match day!

Rory's new habit of reading in bed continued this week.

No idea what they were playing, but it involved hats and holding a sword to your sister's neck.

Very excited to take the kids shopping for their Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes tonight.

Rory has played SO well this week. She's a happy child in general, but this week she has been so imaginative and played and played. For instance, she sat on the treadmill for over an hour yesterday with her babies and puppy around her reading to them.

And I scrapped yesterday.
Lauren Grier: All That Matters


Elizabeth Frick said…
SO much to love in this post!!!
But my favorite parts are Rory's mismatched shoes, and the funny little game she and Camden were playing. Why? Because they posed so beautiful mid-decapitation!
KrisJ said…
That was some good randomness!! Good job on the bread! And Im so jealous of Rory's good week.. Malia has had a whiney one.
Love the randomness... that's perfect after the week of sickness we've had here... I'm not sure how much my brain can handle at this point - HA!

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