Change of Plans

Rory had an appointment for dental work this morning and there happens to be both a Target and a mall nearby (two places I don't see nearly enough of these days) so we were planning a little shopping trip followed by a trip to the dentist, but Rory woke up with a fever to match her nasty cough and runny nose so I guess we'll be camped out on the couch today.

Camden completed his first official project: a book report for Thanksgiving. For some reason he informed his teacher yesterday that he was going to turn it in Monday instead of today (it's due today). We quickly set him straight on due dates and what they mean. :)  (unfortunately, it was nearly dark when I snapped this so I didn't do a good job of documenting his first book report)


And in honor of International Digital Scrapping Day (tomorrow), I actually scrapped a page. In fact, my plan had been to set aside all photography business for the weekend and only worry about my own pictures and scrapping, but I scheduled a last minute mini-session for Saturday morning so I've only been partially successful in my plan.
Credits here


Elizabeth Frick said…
I love Camden's turkey book report! Feel better miss Rory! :(
Poor Rory!

And, that was taken in almost dark?! Impressive!

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