Eating Apples and a New/Old Chair

We're trying to help Camden's front tooth along so they ate whole apples for snack time Monday.

And Brian found me 3 of these cute little chairs to use on photoshoots. I have grand plans to paint them each a different color: white, red, and eggshell blue. And by "I", I clearly mean Brian.

We're headed to St. Louis for a brief 48 hour family trip tomorrow morning and then Camden, Rory, and I are spending the week with my parents in Illinois while Brian manages alone back at home. I have no idea how my computer/internet access will be for the next 10 day, and I am SURE that I will be in withdrawal. I had grand plans to write some blog posts and schedule them for while I'm out of town, but Fall Break has been b.u.s.y. so the blog may be quiet for the next 7-10 days. Who knows!

P.S. I have a sneak peek up on the photography blog this morning. Kim (the mom) said she cried when she saw them, which is perfect because I just might have shed a few tears myself when I uploaded them to my computer and realized they were good. :)


Joy said…
Love the chairs - what a great idea!!

Enjoy your trip and being with your family!
Elizabeth Frick said…
PLEASE call us if your plans open up at all for the weekend!!!
And the thought of working a loose tooth looser with an apple makes me cringe. I am DREADING that part of the girls' childhood...
Where did this day go?!

Oh, I heart the chairs already!!

And I LOVE the sneak peek. My heart beat a little faster looking at them. Is it weird if I say "I'm so proud of you?!" ???

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