The Zoo

My sister Becky just bought a new laptop and gifted me with their iMac desktop, so I'm popping in from Illinois to post a few pictures from our trip to St. Louis. I'm amazed by two things: first, that the new computer is so much better than my old one; second, how different a Mac is from a PC. I feel a little deaf, dumb, and blind on this thing, but am sure that I will love it once I get it figured out.

You have no idea how long it took to get these uploaded to the right place, and then I couldn't find them once I uploaded them, so there are only three lonely pics.

Uncle Michael gave rides to Xavier through most of the zoo, and I just laughed out loud when I uploaded this picture.

The four munchkins

Camden and William

I'd like to say I'll be back with more updates or actual stories from our time in St. Louis and Illinois, but I'm doubting my computer skills at this point. Before this weekend, I would have considered myself more than a little computer savvy, but I'm feeling seriously humbled. :)


Amanda said…
I totally feel your pain. When I bought a macbook last year I thought I was going to pull every hair on my head out. Good luck in figuring it all out!
Elizabeth Frick said…
LOOOOVE my Mac! I was a PC girl for years, and then in 2001 I bought a Mac and never went back. Ah... Feel free to ask me questions - I don't know all the answers, but I can help you bumble your way through :)
And oh man, I can't believe you guys were at our zoo! Next time, we will totally get to hang with you :)
M :-) said…
I'm laughing because I felt the same way last Friday when I uploaded pictures to Greg's laptop. (PC) I had no clue where the pictures went, or how to find them. I'm so used to my Mac!
Brenda Lewis said…
Glad everyone had a good time in St. Louis. After all the hipe about the Mac, you've about convined me Bob nor I could handle it, at least not without a personal tutor.

Have a great time in IL.
Krista said…
I thought for sure I'd see pictures of O & I with your kids... next time. Lucky girl though! Free Mac! Great sister!
Welcome to the world of Mac! You will love it here... once you get settled! Trust me. Holler if you need any help... either I or hubby should be able to help!

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