
Disclaimer: you might be totally bored with this post. :)

I've mentioned here once or a dozen times that I am obsessed really like to take pictures and am currently taking a 7 week photography course (which is going to be over much too quickly). I've been using the manual settings on my camera since January, and I'm slowly but surely getting better. The goal of the class I'm taking is to help us understand the settings as well as helping us get better straight out of the camera pictures. I'm not sure I'll ever reach the point of not having to edit pictures in PSE, but I am having to spend less time editing. This is the photo I took last week for my assignment. We have to submit them straight out of the camera, but I did a little editing after it was submitted.

straight out of the camera

with just a slight curves adjustment for skin tone and a Warming action

with a vibrant photo action; I know it's bright, but I kinda like it

finally, a black/white conversion


Joy said…
Great photos!! Did you know you can make some of those adjustments in camera before you shoot? Is that allowed?
I'm so jealous that your kiddos sit still long enough for you to use manual settings! I love all the photos, *especially* the bright one!
Becky said…
I am sure you will be shocked to hear that I like the bright one!
Elizabeth Frick said…
So, so lovely! I find it all super-interesting, I'm just too lazy to actually tweak my photos...
KrisJ said…
LOVE!!! You are so GOOD!!!
Amanda said…
Beautiful pictures. I love all the edits!

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