
For the second time in two days, I was stuck sticking out a tornado warning. Tuesday was in Target, last night was in the church basement! Maybe these "spring" storms will be over by the time July hits.

When I received an email several days ago about a local Christian publisher looking for an Asian model for the cover of their spring publication, I went against my natural instincts to send this poor woman every single picture I own of Rory and instead just sent the first one that came to mind and then didn't give it another thought. But yesterday morning I received a call saying that she had been chosen for the cover, so we're off to see this guy Saturday morning. Should be fun!

I'm taking Rory on a shopping trip (for the photo shoot) and then her first trip to the dentist. She went with us to Camden's appointment several weeks ago and doesn't seem to be nervous. However, she never seems to be nervous to see Dr. Heil either until he walks in the door and she starts sobbing uncontrollably. Hopefully she'll keep it together. I'm pretty sure she at least has two cavities -hoping that they're not as serious as Camden's!

Dani Mogstad/Eva Kipler: Girls of Summer


Amanda said…
Congrats to Miss Rory!! That's exciting!! She is such a doll.
Anonymous said…
omgoodnesss she is sooooo adorable!! Love these photos and this layout :)

_Lisa S
She is a star!! Congrats Rory! (Although I must say it's not at all surprising!)
Joy said…
Melissa - let me know which magazine so I can grab a copy of Miss Rory's modeling debut!! (Or I may pay you to grab an extra one). :) How cool!!

Yeah - the storms are wearing us out too. I seem to be the landing strip for both kids at the first rumble of thunder. ;)
M said…
Rory is such a beautiful little girl. Congrats! As always, love the LO.

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