Puppet Show

Yesterday was a perfect summer day. We hit the zoo early, stayed for about 2.5 hours, and left just as the crowd and serious heat really hit. We didn't cover the whole zoo, but in the heat, 2.5 hours was about as long as the kids could take it and still have a good time (Oh, who am I kidding. The adults were melting in the heat!). We came home, had lunch, and then all took a nap.Yes, even the adults! I worked on laundry and all my coupon clipping and making a grocery list while Brian and the kids played baseball after supper. It was just a very relaxing, fun day.

We've already had an eventful morning. Rory was up at 6:00 (don't even ask me why) and had fun playing with Brian's new puppets (for VBS). She kept talking to them and addressing them both as "puppet show." She was having a blast until one of them "bit" her on the finger when she turned her back on them. You've never heard such screaming and sobbing! I think daddy and the puppets are now on her bad list.

Today we're taking a family grocery shopping trip (this is probably not the best idea I've ever had) then coming home to pop the kids into the backyard swimming pool.

Here are a few pictures from yesterday.

This one cracks me up. They didn't know I was taking their picture,
and I think it's so funny how they're looking at each other.

A group shot
One more group shot

Look at these sweet girls and their perfect smiles.

And this is what happens when I try to get a shot of my two.


That puppet story is hysterical!

As for the grocery store - at least it's air conditioned, right?!

Stay cool!
Amanda said…
That first pic is soooo cute. That's gonna make a great scrap page and the last shot of Rory and Camden is so funny. That's gonna make a great page also.

We are also family grocery shopping today and a friend of mine just told me about the whole coupon thing. Are you real big into it??? They are and she was telling me that they go and get over a hundred dollars worth of stuff and only end up paying like $30 or $40. The system is confusing to me right now but maybe we could get together and work on it sometime.
Becky said…
Happy couponing--hope your grocery trip was successful. As far as the pictures, that is seriously how I feel every time we are with you guys. Your kids sit and act perfect for the camera and we are lucky to get a shot of our boys even glancing in the same direction as the camera! very cute pics! kathy's kids are getting so big.

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