
Yesterday was a good lazy day, although it still felt productive. I got lots of housework done, 5 loads of laundry washed, dried, folded and put away, but managed to avoid getting dressed or cooking supper! Brian took Camden to VBS at our friend's church, and he had a blast. Considering the fact that he spent what felt like most of the day in time out for his horrible attitude, he's lucky he got to go! I'm hopeful today will be better.

Brian is on kid-duty this afternoon while I head to Nashville for a physical. Hopefully I'll fit in a trip to the mall for a quick exchange and maybe a Starbucks run.

I've been meaning to post this for several days. Mary from Owlhaven recently took a trip to Korea with two of her sons. She writes here about one of their experiences. If you're an adoptive parent, go ahead and grab a kleenex before you read.

Lauren Grier/Lliella Designs Day at the Pond

Credits here


Joy said…
Melissa - thanks for the kleenex warning. As many times as I go over the scenario in my mind - I have no idea how the kids (or Jason and I) would feel should the day come. WOW.
M :-) said…
Thank you so much for sharing that story. I was wiping the tears away as I was reading it. What an incredible story.

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