
It's official. I'm getting old. Not that I didn't know that, but a trip to the doctor today and a diagnosis of border line high blood pressure confirms it. He said to watch my salt intake for 2 months and then come back and we'll see what happens. There's lots of family history of high blood pressure so this news was not exactly a big surprise. I also left with a one month prescription of Ambien in hopes that we can jump start my crazy sleep cycle. Unfortunately, I took it last night, and it did nothing. How is that even possible? I think I might as well resign myself to never getting a full night's sleep again.

I combined the doctor's appointment with a trip to the mall (of course) and Target. Note to self: do NOT go to Target when you haven't eaten for over 8 hours. Of course, the shopping came after I was stranded in the back of Target during a tornado warning. This has happened to me twice now in the last month or so. My favorite find of the day (besides the free salsa, free 2 liter of coke, and free soap) was this clearance dress at Janie and Jack (which I love, but doesn't often fit into the budget these days). Can't you just see Rory in it?

Camden thoroughly enjoyed VBS again last night, and they must be wearing him out because he slept until almost 9:00 yesterday morning. Rory and I have enjoyed two quiet evenings at home. She has insisted on the hokey pokey both nights and then giggles hysterically throughout it all.

Brian is off to help his dad cut up a tree while the kids and I stay at home and enjoy our air conditioning instead of our 95 degree weather and seriously high humidity. I don't do 95 degrees.


That dress is adorable!!

(You have a Janie and Jack nearby as well?! Geez - I'm jealous!)

And how is that possible that the Ambien didn't even work?! Ugh!
Joy said…
Love the dress and YES it will look beautiful on Miss Rory! :) I'm hoping to sneak in a trip to the mall soon....it misses me. ;)

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