
Oh, I would love to say that yesterday's kid-free morning was wonderful, but I spent it in bed (and the bathroom) with the stomach flu. It seems to still be persisting this morning so we're canceling our date night. So disappointed! We also had to skip the pool and the movie last night. Rory, of course, was pretty oblivious, but Camden was really disappointed. The good news is that we can reschedule both of those things.

Here are some random things from this week:
  • Rory prefaces everything she says by "I needs." She needs me to carry her, she needs her milk, she needs to go swimming, etc. And if you could only hear the drama in that little word!
  • Rory says, "Oh, maam!" all the time. Of course, she means "oh, man!" but I'm not going to correct her.
  • Because I'm sure you've all been on the edge of your seat waiting to hear, my Ambien prescription is working out wonderfully. I've had consistent 7 hours of sleep for the last 5 nights now. It may be the most well-rested I've been since high school.
  • Camden played at the kitchen table with play-doh for two hours one day this week. TWO HOURS. Rory, on the other hand, has been banned from play-doh because she just wants to eat it.
  • Rory's favorite game these days is to pretend that she's the mommy and I'm the baby. If you could only hear the sympathetic drama in her voice when she says, "ooooohhhh, baaaaaabbby, what's wrong?"
  • It's been very good for Brian to be at home the last several weeks. Gives him a whole new perspective on why I'm ready to pull my hair out by the time he gets home from school every day. If it's not the constant screeching from Rory in response to the teasing from Camden, then the never ending questions and descriptions of the Star Wars game Camden is making up and trying to teach 2-year old Rory will do it. Not to mention the play-by-play of every Wii game he plays. And how Rory repeats every single word Camden says. Yep, any of those things will do it!
Have a great weekend!


Joy said…
Hope you are feeling much better!!!
Amanda said…
I hope you feel better soon!!
KrisJ said…
Sure hope your feeling better! I had to tell you that I made the chicken salad and it was a HUGE hit so awesome in fact that I am going to make it for a party tomorrow! I added the corn and it was awesome! So thanks so much for sharing!!
Hope you're feeling much better soon!

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